Cameras are available on short-term loan to current Humanities faculty, instructors, and students who need cameras for their art history-related teaching, research, and scholarship, with an emphasis on site and object photography.
The VRC cannot lend equipment for projects outside of the Humanities. Similarly, we cannot lend cameras to RSOs or students in architecture studio courses or visual arts courses for documenting their own work. The Logan Media Center may be able to lend equipment for your needs.
VRC camera reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Borrowing priority will be given to departmental traveling seminars, including Gold Gorvy Traveling Seminars, and students collaborating with the VRC.
Browse the equipment and accessories; different camera bodies and lenses will be differently-suited for close-up photography, architectural photography, or general use. Please let VRC staff know what your documentation priories are if you have any questions. Email to request a camera reservation, discuss available options that would benefit your project, or schedule a brief orientation.
The following policies apply to all borrowers of VRC equipment through the Camera Lending Program:
Theft, Damage, and Loss: It is your responsibility to maintain and take care of all VRC equipment in your possession. It is your responsibility to pay for the repair or replacement of any equipment that is lost, broken, or damaged while checked out to you.
Camera bodies and lenses lent through the VRC Camera Lending Program are insured by the VRC’s enrollment in the University’s Theft Insurance Program. They are insured for theft regardless of their location at the time of the theft as long as they are secured. Practically, this means the equipment is with the borrower rather than in checked baggage while traveling or secured in a locked area that is not visible when it is not possible to be in the borrower’s possession. In the event of a theft, you are required to submit a police report.
Please immediately report any issues with the equipment to VRC staff at
Return Policy: It is your responsibility to promptly return equipment to the VRC by the date your reservation ends. Failure to return equipment on time will result in forfeiture of borrowing privileges.
Personal data: Any personal data/images saved on a device or SD card may be removed once the item is returned. Borrowers are responsible for uploading, transferring and/or backing up the data.